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U12 Girls 3
Date Score Home Team Score Visiting Team Location
Saturday, August 24, 2024
Keystone FC United 13G(5007) Carlisle Cyclones Winding Hill  
EU Bluebirds U12F(4455) Hershey SC 2013-14 F Orange(4516) Kraybill´s M  
GUSC Riot 13F(4769) EU Blue Flames U12F(5019) GUSC America  
MCUSC Storm 13G SMSA Spirit(4421) MCUSC ALT #2  
Saturday, August 17, 2024
GYSC CHARGERS Keystone FC United 13G(5007) Gettysburg H  
Carlisle Cyclones GUSC Riot 13F(4769) George B. St  
SMSA Spirit(4421) EU Bluebirds U12F(4455) Spring Meado  
* Please click the "Report Score" link to post the score