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Rules  CPYSL COACH GUIDELINES CPYSL rules and regulations rev 3/2024.  
Rules  LEAGUE POLICY ON GOAL DIFFERENTIALS CPYSL at their June 2018 Board Meeting introduced a policy of teams removing a player when the goal differential exceeds five (5) goals effective for the Fall ’18 season and beyond. This policy is in effect for all teams in U12 and younger age groups in divisions 2 & below. Coaches are to remove a player at the scoring of the next goal. If the goal differential yields back to five (5) or less goals the player can be added until such time the differential returns. 
Miscellaneous  Members 1st Youth Promo - Central Penn Youth Soccer League Did you know your affiliation with Central Penn Youth Soccer League Inc. makes you eligible for membership? Members 1st FCU is running a special youth promotion which will run through December 31, 2024, which I am excited to offer you through this email. Below you will find a flyer providing you the details of our current youth promotion. For your convenience you may scan QR code below to establish the NEW youth account online. The credit union will match up to the first $20.00 deposited to the account. Thank you for the opportunity to start your youth out with an account with Members 1st FCU. Kim Whitaker Branch Manager II at Members 1st FCU Phone (717) 258-5504 Email 1711 Spring Road Carlisle, PA 17013  
Forms  CPYSL GAME REPORT CARD - SAMPLE CPYSL Game Report Cards must be filled in accurately and completely. Please follow the directions on the card to complete the card correctly. Game report cards should be given to the referee prior to the start of each game and retrieved post-game after the official score has been recorded and the card has been signed by the referee. After the final game of the season, return the card to your Club's Registrar to turn in at the CPYSL office. Incomplete cards and cards not returned are subject to a $25 fine. 
Rules  SPRING 2021 AMENDMENTS TO LEAGUE RULES Spring 2021 Amendments to League Rules 
Guides  REGISTRAR HANDBOOK_SPRING 2025 Spring 2025 registration overview for CPYSL Club Registrars 
Forms  COACH AND PLAYER CHANGE REQUEST FORM A completed COACH & PLAYER CHANGE REQUEST FORM must be submitted for any coach or player change request to an approved roster. Fees for player changes will be calculated via EPYSA'S GotSport system, assessed, and billed at the end of each season. (rev 4/22) 'TRANSFER' REMINDER - Player’s RELEASE from their current team must be requested by the releasing club and approved in GotSport by the current league’s registrar PRIOR TO requesting a player’s TRANSFER.  
Rules  CPYSL PLAYING UP RULES & CONSENT FORM The age difference for players participating on a team in CPYSL shall not be greater than two (2) years for players whose true age of eligibility is for U14 Divisions & under, and three (3) years for players whose true age of eligibility is U15 or older. Any player requesting to play up in age more than two (2) years at the U14 & below ages or three (3) years at the U15 & older age groups will require the Club of the player to petition the respective CPYSL VP for acceptance at the requested level.  
Rules  CPYSL FINE & FEE MATRIX List of fines and fees for league infractions, Spring 2024.   
Miscellaneous  CPYSL REFEREE FEES_FALL 2024-SPRING 2025 FALL 2024-SPRING 2025 CPYSL REFEREE FEES.  No fee increase from Fall 2023-Spring 2024.   
Forms  VOLUNTEER REFEREE REPORT FORM In the event that there is not an official referee for your game, a VOLUNTEER referee should be utilized. The VOLUNTEER should print, complete, and submit a VOLUNTEER REFEREE FORM along with copies of each team's Game Day line-ups (roster copies). 
Rules  CLARIFICATIONS TO LAWS OF THE GAME_CPYSL REVISIONS FIFA/US Soccer have recently updated and posted revisions to the Laws of the Game which when written were intended for the professional level games and are not as beneficial for the youth game. This document provides clarifications and revisions that will be followed and enforced in CPYSL. 
Rules  PLAYER NEED BULLETIN A step-by-step guide to advertise your player needs to field a team into the CPYSL website. 
Miscellaneous  CPYSL ONLINE FIELD CLOSURE ENHANCEMENTS In the event of inclement weather, we are working on making it possible for your club to close an individual field at a location (venue) rather than having to close the entire location (venue). This will be a great tool if you have a location where one field drains well and remains playable while others retain moisture creating the need for closure. In order to make this system work properly, you will need to list each individual field for each location (venue) listed for your club. Someone with CPYSL ADMIN rights for your club will need to log in to the CPYSL website, from the Fields tab in the left column, access your field location (venue), and then, at the bottom of the page, click on Add Field Name. Enter each individual field that is utilized at said Location (venue).  
Rules  LIGHTNING POLICY Please familiarize yourself with CPYSL's Lightning Policy. 
Rules  USSF - EPYSA INCLUSION POLICY CPYSL follows the ‘Inclusion Policy’ set forth by its governing bodies; the United States Soccer Federation (USSF) and Eastern PA Youth Soccer Association (EPYSA). 
Rules  CPYSL ARBITRATION RULES Rules for filing an appeal on a decision made by the CPYSL league. 
Forms  CPYSL NEW CLUB MEMBER APPLICATION Thank you for your interest in the Central Penn Youth Soccer League (CPYSL). To be considered for membership, please read, print, complete, and submit all of the required materials outlined in our New Club Letter. For additional information about CPYSL, please read through the league's Constitution & Bylaws, Coach Guidelines, and Registrar Handbook which are posted in the Downloads section.  
Forms  RG-6_PLAYER REGISTRATION FORM EPYSA Player Registration Form.   
Forms  MEDICAL RELEASE FORM Standard form that can be used for a player 
Rules  2016-2017 CPYSL AMENDMENTS_REV 9-7-16 2016-2017 CPYSL AMENDMENTS_REVISED 9/7/2016 
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