Home Field Summary Report (Fall 2024):
A maximum of SIX (6) teams are allowed to use one field as their home field for teams (U09-U14) that play on Saturday, 9AM - 5PM. Likewise, a maximum of THREE (3) teams are allowed to use one field as their home field for teams (U15-U19) that play on Sunday, 1PM - 5PM. Exceeding these numbers causes field overbooking that delays the generation of game schedule.

The 'team application' program will prevent a team to use a field that exceeds the home team field threshold, Maximum SIX (6) teams for Saturday matches and Maximum THREE (3) teams for Sunday matches. U09-U14 teams play on Saturday and U15-U19 teams play on Sunday. Please use this report to plan your field home assignment for your teams.

Home Field Field
Count Age
Team Name Club Name
Schuylkill Haven Island Park 1 Sun 1 U16M West Schuylkill FC Thunder West Schuylkill FC
      2 U18M West Schuylkill FC Titans West Schuylkill FC
**Note: PlayIn - is the requested Age Group and Gender the team will play in
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