Standings As Of: 9/1/2024 1:09:52 AM
Hanover Black Dragons (U14 Boys 4)
Game No Date Score Home Team Score Visiting Team
89709 Unscheduled Game   Hanover Black Dragons(4046)   WY Bulldogs FC U14B White(4985)
89719 Unscheduled Game   Eagle FC 11B Red(4318)   Hanover Black Dragons(4046)
89721 9/15/2024   Hanover Black Dragons(4046)   SUSQUEHANNA CPU BULLS(3997)
89703 9/22/2024   GYSC RED MAMBAS   Hanover Black Dragons
89685 9/29/2024   Hanover Black Dragons   Carlisle Rebels
89689 10/6/2024   PA Classics United 11 M   Hanover Black Dragons
89693 10/20/2024   Hanover Black Dragons(4046)   Keystone Cobras U14 White(5099)
89697 10/27/2024   (Lampeter-Strasburg) Solanco YSA 2011B(5256)   Hanover Black Dragons(4046)
*- Games with no scores have either not yet played or scores not reported
Played Wins Ties Loss GoalsFor GoalAgainst Points
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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