Standings As Of: 9/1/2024 1:07:37 AM
Eastern Falcons (U12 Boys 5)
Game No Date Score Home Team Score Visiting Team
89430 8/17/2024 Milton Hershey- Penn FC Youth M Gold 2013 (5243) Eastern Falcons(4609)
89438 9/7/2024   NEYSA 2013 Boys Black   Eastern Falcons(4609)
89448 9/21/2024   Eastern Falcons(4609)   PA Classics United 13 M
89453 9/28/2024   Keystone FC South United 13/14B(5174)   Eastern Falcons(4609)
89415 10/5/2024   Eastern Falcons(4609)   Hershey SC 2013-14 M Blue(6260)
89421 10/19/2024   Keystone FC United White 13B(4440)   Eastern Falcons(4609)
89427 10/26/2024   Eastern Falcons(4609)   WY Bulldogs FC U12B Blue
89434 11/9/2024   Eastern Falcons(4609)   SUSQUEHANNA CPU SONIQS(3996)
*- Games with no scores have either not yet played or scores not reported
Played Wins Ties Loss GoalsFor GoalAgainst Points
1 1 0 0 5 0 3
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