Standings As Of: 9/1/2024 1:13:21 AM
NL Team Brazil 14B (U11 Boys 4-Red)
Game No Date Score Home Team Score Visiting Team
89299 Unscheduled Game   NL Team Brazil 14B(4817)   FC BALLYHOO 14 WHITE(4964)
89305 Unscheduled Game   Iron Valley United 2014   NL Team Brazil 14B
89311 9/7/2024   NL Team Brazil 14B   DASC Rage
89317 9/14/2024   Lancaster Elite White 2014 Boys(5183)   NL Team Brazil 14B
89323 9/21/2024   NL Team Brazil 14B   FC Dallastown Lightning 14 Black
89329 9/28/2024   PA Classics Premier 14 M   NL Team Brazil 14B
89335 10/5/2024   NL Team Brazil 14B   Spring Grove Stealth(4698)
89341 10/19/2024   EU Blue Fire U11M(4740)   NL Team Brazil 14B(4817)
*- Games with no scores have either not yet played or scores not reported
Played Wins Ties Loss GoalsFor GoalAgainst Points
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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