Standings As Of: 9/1/2024 1:10:21 AM
Keystone Cobras U10 Red (U10 Boys 4-White)
Game No Date Score Home Team Score Visiting Team
89044 8/25/2024 USC Tornadoes 15M(5227) Keystone Cobras U10 Red
89045 9/7/2024   Keystone Cobras U10 Red   MYSC ELITE
89048 9/14/2024   Keystone FC United White 15B   Keystone Cobras U10 Red
89052 9/21/2024   Camp Hill SC U10M UNITED 2015(4861)   Keystone Cobras U10 Red
89055 9/28/2024   Tuscarora Turbos(5126)   Keystone Cobras U10 Red(5097)
89059 10/5/2024   Keystone Cobras U10 Red   Keystone FC United White 15B
89060 10/19/2024   Keystone Cobras U10 Red   USC Tornadoes 15M(5227)
89039 10/26/2024   Keystone Cobras U10 Red   Tuscarora Turbos
*- Games with no scores have either not yet played or scores not reported
Played Wins Ties Loss GoalsFor GoalAgainst Points
1 1 0 0 3 2 3
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