Standings As Of: 9/1/2024 1:11:02 AM
Dover United 2016M Black (U09 Boys 5-Red)
Game No Date Score Home Team Score Visiting Team
88741 9/7/2024   Dover United 2016M Black   NEYSA 2016 Boys Black
88747 9/14/2024   Keystone FC South United 16B(5168)   Dover United 2016M Black
88753 9/21/2024   Dover United 2016M Black   FC Dallastown Power 16 Blue(5249)
88758 9/28/2024   WRLU Lions 16M Black(5258)   Dover United 2016M Black(4940)
88764 10/5/2024   Dover United 2016M Black   Spring Grove Bombers(4282)
88769 10/19/2024   WY Bulldogs FC U9B Blue   Dover United 2016M Black
88773 10/26/2024   Dover United 2016M Black(4940)   NEYSA 2016 Boys Orange(5137)
88731 11/2/2024   Spring Grove Wolves(4281)   Dover United 2016M Black
*- Games with no scores have either not yet played or scores not reported
Played Wins Ties Loss GoalsFor GoalAgainst Points
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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