U12 Boys 5 Reported Scores as of 9/1/2024 1:13:58 AM
Score Home Team Score Visiting Team Location
(Reported By)
Saturday, August 24, 2024
89437 Keystone FC South United 13/14B(5174) Spring Grove Dynamo(5076)Cousler Park
(Rachel Gentile) 
89433 Keystone FC United White 13B(4440) WY Bulldogs FC U12B BlueWinding Hill
(Scott Eskew) 
Saturday, August 17, 2024
89430 Milton Hershey- Penn FC Youth M Gold 2013 (5243) Eastern Falcons(4609)Catherine Dr
(Matt Mikos) 
89432 Spring Grove Dynamo(5076) PA Classics United 13 MSpring Grove
(Ryan Hough) 
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