U12 Girls 1 Reported Scores as of 9/1/2024 1:11:08 AM
Score Home Team Score Visiting Team Location
(Reported By)
Saturday, August 24, 2024
88295 CASA 13F Premier Eagle FC 13G Black(4510)George Park
(Meredith Bomgardner) 
88296 Lancaster Inferno FC 13(4797) FC Dallastown Leopards 13 BlackListrak Socc
(Matt Beecy) 
Saturday, August 17, 2024
88292 Eagle FC 13G Black(4510) Lancaster Inferno FC 13(4797)Hampden Park
(Brandon Johnson) 
88291 FC Dallastown Leopards 13 Black Keystone FC Elite 13G(4447)York Twp Par
(Matt Beecy) 
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